Wednesday 9 January 2013

What is it with teenagers these days??

No, seriously. What's the deal? I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I was a teenager myself, I'm only 24, so it's not like I was a teenager twenty years ago, but I don't ever recall me, or any of my classmates, being this stupid at fifteen. Sure, we all giggled about boys (or girls, depending on which friend), and which movie stars (Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton and the Phelps twins) or singers we we 'in love' with and what music we were listening to (Delta Goodrem, Good Charlotte) but we never went crazy like these girls have been doing recently. At fifteen I was just getting into Anime, watching old re-runs of Sailor Moon.

Which is why teenage girls cutting themselves because Justin Bieber smoked weed is astounding to me. Do they really think that he cares that they are cutting themselves over his smoking habits? He certainly doesn't seem to, the #cutforbieber hashtag on Twitter has thousands of entries, and while a lot of them are paying out the cutting kids, there is no sign of Justin telling them to stop. If he cared so much about his fans, wouldn't he try to do something to stop this? His own Twitter account is full of posts about the upcoming release of an acoustic version of his album Believe, but not one mention of his fans mutilating themselves over something he did, however small.

Of course, this is the internet we're talking about, so there's no guarantee that all the pictures of slashed up arms are real and not just 4chan users trolling Bieber fans, but if even one of those photos is real, it's one too many.

The worst part is, is that this makes a mockery of the very real issues that drive people to cut. Depression, anxiety, and other illnesses drive people to cut, not because they want to, but because they can't stop. There was a girl the year above me in school (an all girls Catholic school) that would cut in school. I remember being in the sick bay one day to get headache tablets and the nurse was wrapping up her arms in bandages, in front of young kids, because she'd sliced herself open with her scissors during class. She always wore jumpers even in the middle of summer, because then no one could see her scars.
Two of my friends were cutting during high school. One of them would use their scissors or what ever was handy to cut a tiny slash in her wrist, and she'd cut in the same place over and over so no one would notice. My other friend cut her legs to pieces for years before her parents finally discovered it and got her the help she needed. I never knew until recently, and it hurt that they felt they couldn't come to me for help. But that's a part of it, the feeling of loneliness that makes you feel like you need to cut to feel better about things.

So for me, no matter how much is real, or how much of it is internet trolls being smartasses, it is NOT cool to trivialise this, because it takes away from the kids who have real issues and need real help. Yeah, the #BaldforBieber thing was funny, teenage girls shaving their hair because they thought Beiber had cancer, but it didn't hurt anyone; hair grows back. These kids are going to have these scars forever.

Welcome to Bitches Inc. - For all your Friendly Neighbourhood Rants

So, I have no idea if people will actually read this, but I figure here is as good a place to vent as any.

First, let me explain how "Bitches Inc." came to be. (I'm not using any real names here, btw. Maybe just letters)
My Auntie B and Uncle G, who I hadn't seen much since I was a kid,  were visiting from Queensland, and my Aunt was chatting with my Mum, or rather, bitching about the rest of the family with my Mum. See, here's the thing, my Dad's family don't really get along. Only about half of the brothers are talking to the other half and someone else is always not talking to someone. Somehow during this bitch session, Auntie B came up with "Bitches Inc." A month later, I received a birthday card addressed to "Bitches Inc. Member No. 003", so I figured, hey, I could write a blog with this idea. Whether or not it gets of the ground is up to you guys.

I have much to bitch about. That said, I do generally consider myself a nice person. I tend to think more than I say, in favour of trying not to start fights and whatnot. So I get pretty pent up and end up raging to my poor boyfriend, who then thinks everything is his fault, even when it's usually not and I just need someone to yell at about all the stupidity around me. And currently there's a LOT of stupididty around me.

Which brings me squarely to the first ever Bitches Inc. rant. About my soon to be ex-housemates.

My boy and I recently moved into a house owned by my parents. We pay rent to them, and take care of the bills like we would with any other land lord. The place has three bedrooms, but it was just us two until Boxing Day, when I got a text message from one of my High School friends; Her girlfriend's Mum had evicted them from her house, effective immediately, and they needed somewhere to stay. So, trying to do the right thing and help out a friend, I said they could take one of the other rooms at our house. It would make the rent cheaper and give them somewhere to stay when they were in need. Dad told them they were staying there at my discretion and if I thought things weren't working out I could tell them to find somewhere else. So you would think you do the right thing, right? If only.
They were here five, maybe six days before my Mum had had enough. There was a basket of shoes in the hallway, which is still sitting there, they leave their dinner plates with food still on them sitting on the couch, they have contributed nothing towards food or bills. To her credit, W, my friend, will cook occasionally, but her girlfriend will sit on her butt and do nothing all day every day, painting her nails. Neither of them have helped to clean once; just tonight I had to clean the kitchen because there were ants everywhere. What upsets me most is that they don't see that they're not doing the right thing. They have literally taken over my house. If I call them out on it they get defensive, and nothing changes.
When we told them that they had to find somewhere else, J burst into tears. I felt like telling her "Don't cry about it, it's your own fault. We tried to do the right thing by you and you didn't do the right thing by us". Now I am literally counting the days until they leave, only three to go. They've been here two weeks, and I just want my house back. I have to wonder how they're going to get on with a real land lord, everywhere they've lived so far has been the place of a friend. If they treat their next house the way they've been treating mine they won't be there very long.

Was it too much to ask from someone I've known for ten years to treat my house with some respect? I didn't think so, but apparently it was. The worst part is I should have expected it. I haven't seen W in probably three months, but she knew where to come when she needed a place to stay. Call me a cynic, but why is it that so many 'friends' only call you when they want something?

*deep breath* Okay, rant over.

Of course, I am completely open for discussion on anything I write about. I hope you guys enjoy reading my blog, such as it is.